Sessions now available in Canberra
Remedial Massage - Zenthai Shiatsu - Yoga - Acupunture
Teacher - Trainer
Carly is passionate about combining her experience in both the Western and Eastern modalities, to help each client develop a positive relationship with their unique bodies and move towards their natural state of balance and freedom.
Carly has always had a fascination with the complexity of the human body and mind. Whilst initially being drawn to the Western sciences, she was left with curiosity and unsatisfied questions. What’s the initial cause of disease states? What leads to this imbalance? How can we be our most vital, rather that just avoiding illness?
Her personal journey with a severe back injury allowed her explore first hand the potency of combining both traditional and modern practices. Her treatments offer a seamless dance between structural awareness and a deep respect of the innate wisdom of the body.
Carly believes that like nature we are constantly in flux. What is right for us now, may not be right tomorrow, next season, next decade. Too often we are expecting the same outcomes for different bodies, rather than celebrating our incredible uniqueness, with different needs in every moment.
A big tool box of modalities allows her to meet her client's individual needs, which she offers alongside a solid foundation, of deep listening, kindness, creativity and joy.
Carly is now teaching Remedial Massage at a registered College in Melbourne and is offering ZenThai Shiastu and postgraduate massage training throughout the year. She is also currently completing her Honours in Psychology at Deakin University, and is collaborating on research projects in pain education and psychology in supporting chronic pain management.
Degrees and Areas of Study
Masters of Applied Science (Acupuncture)
Graduate Bachelor of Psychological Science
Bachelor of Science (Neuroscience)
Diploma of Remedial Massage
ZenThai Shiatsu Therapist Training
ZenThai Flow Teacher Training
Cert of Dry Needling
Yoga Teacher Training at Radiant Light Yoga
Cert IV Training and Assessment
Bachelor of Psychological Sciences (Honours) - Currently studying - 0433 76 4876